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Our Services

Feak & Revelo, LLP is devoted exclusively to family law cases throughout Northern California, extending our services to clients in the following counties: Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Contra Costa, San Benito, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Solano County, Marin, Napa and Sonoma. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and support, leading clients through each stage of the legal process. We specialize in managing various family law matters, including:

Our Practice Areas


  • Same-Sex Marriage
  • Post-Divorce Disputes
  • Contentious Divorce
  • High-Asset Divorce
  • Gray Divorce
  • Professional Athletes
  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • Child Custody & Visitation
  • Property & Asset Division
  • Child and Spousal Support

Legal Separation

  • Child Custody and Visitation Arrangements
  • Separation Agreements
  • Trial Separation
  • Residency Requirements and Issues
  • Tax Considerations

Property & Asset Division

  • Community Property
  • Division of Real Estate Properties
  • Pensions, IRAs, 401Ks
  • Business Valuation and Buyouts
  • Debt Allocation
  • Hidden Assets
  • Tracing Separate Property

Spousal Support

  • Temporary & Permanent Alimony
  • High-Income Divorces
  • Tax Implications
  • Termination
  • Rehabilitative Spousal Support
  • Long-Term Marriage
  • Complicated Financial Structures

Child Custody & Visitation

  • Emergency Custody Orders
  • Supervised or Unsupervised Visitation
  • Joint Legal or Physical Custody
  • Holiday Visitation
  • Relocation Disputes
  • Custody Evaluations
  • Teenager’s Autonomy in Custody

Child Support

  • Educational Expenses
  • Interstate Child Support Disputes
  • Negotiating Lower/Higher Payments
  • Parenting Time Disparities
  • Long-Distance Parenting
  • High-Income Child Support
  • Child Support in Unemployment

Representation Of Children

  • Child Custody and Visitation Disputes
  • Allegations of Abuse or Neglect
  • Advocacy for Children
  • Cases Involving Multiple Parties

Modifications Of Orders

  • Child Support Orders
  • Spousal Support Orders
  • Child Custody & Visitation Orders
  • Violation of Orders
  • Remarriage
  • Parental Relocation
  • Aging Out of Child Support

Parentage Actions

  • Unmarried Couples & Domestic Partners
  • Same-Sex Parenting Matters
  • Grandparent Rights
  • International Parentage Matters
  • Legal Recognition of Genetic Parent

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

  • Emergency Protective Order
  • Temporary & Permanent Restraining Orders
  • Parental Alienation Restraining Order
  • Cohabitant Violence
  • Restraining Order
  • Technology-Facilitated Abuse
  • Intervention in Child Custody Matters
  • Financial Control and Abuse

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders

  • Co-Parenting Disputes
  • Interference with Child Custody
  • Spousal Support Disputes
  • Online Harassment
  • Harassment in Shared Residences
  • Parental Alienation Claims

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreement

  • Inheritance
  • High Net Worth Properties
  • Business Ownership
  • Protection from Debts
  • Family Heirlooms and Gifts
  • Protecting Professional Practice
  • Asset Protection
  • Reconciliation Planning
  • Change in Financial Circumstances
  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Protection of Family Businesses


  • Fraudulent Intent
  • Non-Compliance with Legal Formalities
  • Misrepresentation of Identity
  • Concealment of a Serious Illness

Consulting in Mediation Or Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Collaborative Divorce
  • Arbitratio
  • Settlement Conferences
  • Mediation

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